Who is Responsible ?
The following people have responsibility for the electrical safety of their systems and equipment.
• Users of electrical equipment (whose responsibilities include user checks).
• Administrators with responsibility for electrical maintenance who may not necessarily have detailed technical knowledge.
• The competent person carrying out the formal visual inspection and the inspections and tests.
• Other duty holders such as company directors, managers or building services managers.
What is needed in order to comply with the regulations?
The requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations can be met by:
• performing pat testing (also known as "portable appliance testing" or "in-service inspection and testing")
• performing maintenance or, if necessary, replacing the defective item of equipment (depending upon the results of pat testing), and
• keeping up-to-date records that can be a means of showing compliance.
How often does PAT testing need to be carried out?
The tests should be performed by a 'competent' person using a PAT Tester machine. This should be done at regular intervals to ensure continual safety. The frequency depends on the type of appliance and the environment it is used in.
The exact recommendations are published by the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) in their "Code of Practice for In-service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment". This guide forms the basis for Portable Appliance Testing in the UK.
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